If you book
10% discount
for (60,90,120 minutes)all massages.


30 min 60 min 90 min 120 min Booking
Traditional Thai massage 8500 HUF 12000 HUF 18000 HUF 22000 HUF Book NOW!!
Aroma Oil Massage 10500 HUF 14000 HUF 20000 HUF 26000 HUF Book NOW!!
Hot Oil Massage 12500 HUF 16000 HUF 22000 HUF 28000 HUF Book NOW!!
Aloe gel Massage 14500 HUF 18000 HUF 24000 HUF 29500 HUF Book NOW!!
Cream Massage 12500 HUF 16000 HUF 22000 HUF 28000 HUF Book NOW!!
Foot Massage 8500 HUF 12000 HUF ------ ------ Book NOW!!
Couples/Duo Massage Double the price of each massage Double the price of each massage Double the price of each massage Double the price of each massage Book NOW!!

You can pay with the following cards

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You can pay with the following SZEP cards

Szep card
Contact Us

BUDAPEST Salon: 1072 Hungary Budapest Akacfa Utca. 10
OPERA Salon: 1065 Hungary Budapest Nagymező u. 21, Fszt 2.





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